
Thursday, March 31

welcome home... which ever one you are.

last june we bought two laying hens.   we named them benedict and florentine.  all summer long they each gave us an egg a day.  it was wonderful. 

but then the winter came and the weather got cold and our coop wasn't insulated.  so, we had three options. 

1.  eat the chickens 
2.  bring both birds back to the farm that i bought them from (no refund)
3.  send them to live on a friends family farm just outside of the city  

number 1 was looking pretty good to us but after a conversation we decided that there were plenty more eggs to be had from our girls.  we went with option 3 instead.  

over the course of the winter one of the birds strayed from the farm and never returned.  most likely, she was the victim of a fox or coyote.  too bad but that's how life is. 
this coming saturday we will return to the farm to pick up the survivor (we're not sure which one that is yet).  of course, just having one hen in the yard seems a little sad and a little silly so i'll be paying my friend david at pleasant view farms a visit and two additional birds will come home.  

i'll plan to post some photos when all the tenants have moved back in.  

happy april, everyone.  

benny in the back.  flo in the front.  

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